I just recently finished a 3-month eurotrip and went to Spain for a week as my first stop. I went to Valencia for 3 days, Albacete for 2 days and Madrid for 3 days. How much does it cost to travel in Spain for a week? See all Europe Travel Cost Reports per city […]
How much does it cost to travel in Madrid, Spain for 3 days?

Here is my travel expenses breakdown for my 3-day trip in Madrid, Spain in my 3-month summer eurotrip adventure. I hope the information helps in budgetting your trip to Madrid! I also keep a record of my actual travel costs in various European cities. Click the link below to see all the other reports. […]
How much does it cost to travel in Valencia, Spain for 3 days?

Here’s my travel expenses breakdown of my 3-day trip in Valencia, Spain. I am very transparent with my expenses because what’s a budget travel website without actually talking about money and the actual cost of traveling? See All Europe Travel Cost Reports How much does it cost to travel in Valencia for […]
How much does it cost to travel in the Netherlands for 5 days?

Hello! I write a detailed budget report about my travel expenses for every city I visit and every Euro Trip I make. I do this not only to track my own expenses, but also to show you how much it really cost to travel in Europe. In my budget reports I always include an extremely detailed breakdown […]
How much does it cost to travel in Amsterdam for 3 days?

A daily budget guide on how much it cost to travel in Amsterdam including price of food, accommodation and transportation in the city. I love Amsterdam. It’s the first city in Europe I visited so it holds a special place in my heart. Like me, you’re probably curious how much a trip to […]