The last day of Way Out West 2012 was not that happening for me. The only band I wanted to see was Miike Snow. I couldn’t care less for the others, save for Kraftwerk with their 3D glasses gimmick. I didn’t go in the end because I wasn’t able to acquire those free 3D glasses fast enough. But I heard it sucked anyway.

Earlier in the day we prepared brunch for our host and friends. I cooked chicken with coconut milk and the Brits prepared some British goodies like beans and eggs and bacon. The day was bright and we were enjoying a great meal and sharing a good laugh, strangers forged together through the interwebz.

It was a slow day for me but I enjoyed a great buffet dinner by the staff tent, one of the perks of working for festivals.

Our attempt to party like crazy in the evening was thwarted by too many choices and the cold Swedish night. When we finally decided on a party to crash, we couldn’t find the entrance. We were right there by the building. And there was no movement whatsoever. So we decided to call it a night and took the tram home.

I didn’t really feel bad about it.

Lately, I feel like I am growing old.

And by that I meant that I don’t feel the need to party and get wasted anymore. After partying too much the last 5 years, I feel kinda partied out. These days it takes a great group of friends, awesome atmosphere, a cool crowd and a little bit of something magical for me to enjoy a party. It doesn’t come often now and I’m fine with that.

Anyway, enjoy the pictures!

















Miike Snow live at Way Out West









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DJ Yabis is the poster boy of Dream Euro Trip and a modern day renaissance man. Originally from the Philippines, he loves throwing dinner parties and stalking rock stars in music festivals. Subscribe or follow his adventures LIVE on Facebook or Instagram. Learn how to plan your own eurotrip.

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