“Nice. I haven’t eaten Belgian waffles for a while.” “They are not Belgian waffles. They are German waffles,” said my German lover. “What the hell does that even mean?” “German waffles are different from Belgian waffles.” “Eh? What makes them different?” “We use quark to prepare German waffles. They use milk. And German waffles […]
Archive | Antwerp
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Segway tour of Antwerp and why #segwayselfie is dangerous

Segway tour. Seg-WHY tour. I know you’re judging me right now. But stop it. I’ve been in the same shoes too so I know what you’re thinking. I bet you think segways are ridiculous and people who take them are, well, a certain breed of travelers you don’t want to hangout with. They must […]
Photo Diary: Antwerp Pride Parade 2013

This summer I visited fashion-forward and gay-loving city of Antwerp for the first time and loved it. It was probably the gayest week in the world as World Out Games 2013 and the Antwerp Pride Parade were happening in succession, not to mention that the city also hosted the finale of Mr. Gay World […]