My 4th time at Cologne Pride. Throwing condoms like candies. I was on a float so most of my photos were of the people watching the parade. A different POV than normal. Read my experience here. Enjoy the photos and videos!
Cologne Pride: Is it Sweeter the 4th Time Around?

A week after Barcelona Pride, I was back on the road again dancing on a pride float. Where at? Cologne Pride! This year I joined the festivities at Cologne Pride for the fourth time. Fourth time! I didn’t initially plan to go this year but #mygaypride crew needs one more blogger and I was just […]
European Outdoor Film Tour 2015/2016

This coming fall, the European Outdoor Film Tour will be on tour again with some of the best adventure and outdoor films by great adventurers living large and crazy (in a good way). This unique film festival features 2 hours of visually powerful outdoor movies and inspiring sports documentaries that will leave you in […]
Why are German Waffles Heart-Shaped, and Belgian Waffles Rectangular?

“Nice. I haven’t eaten Belgian waffles for a while.” “They are not Belgian waffles. They are German waffles,” said my German lover. “What the hell does that even mean?” “German waffles are different from Belgian waffles.” “Eh? What makes them different?” “We use quark to prepare German waffles. They use milk. And German waffles […]
VIDEO: I don’t speak German but I can if you like.

If you’ve been following my blog, you all know by now that I am getting really serious with my German language challenge in the past weeks. Learning a language is an adventure on its own and I am enjoying it overall. (Note: watch the video in HD for better quality!) It’s not easy. Nobody […]
Top 100 German Verbs You Should Know by Now

A major part of my German language challenge with italki is to learn as many new German words as I can. I think I have been quite successful with that. But when learning new words, the engineer in me thinks it’s important to know the most used words first so you feel like you’re […]
German Challenge Week 3: German parties are weird

This third week of me learning German happened right before my big #2monthbirthdaytrip all over Asia. I was super busy preparing for the trip but I still have to wake up before 9 AM for five days a week to learn German. That’s dedication, y’all. But the truth was that some days we did […]
German Challenge Week 2: Of Cooking and Condoms

Call me the worst blogger ever. I promised to update things here about my journey (a.k.a. ongoing 5-year struggle) to German fluency with the 3-month German challenge but so far all I did was travel and – bam! – everything got out of control. This post was actually on my drafts since November but […]
German Challenge Week 1: Hey, Ich kann do dis.

In which I talk about my first week learning German again with italki, the 10th circle of hell, why I think German is like math, how to flirt in German and my new favorite German words and vernacular expressions. Is life really too short to learn German? I disagree. Kinda. Week #1: In […]
Kill Me Now: The 3-Month German Language Challenge with italki

My story and plans on how to be fluent in German in 3 months with italki. I’m making it public. Join me on my progress and do your own language challenge too! A major part of the experience of living in a foreign country is that child-like happiness when you are able to communicate […]