If you’ve been following my blog, you all know by now that I am getting really serious with my German language challenge in the past weeks. Learning a language is an adventure on its own and I am enjoying it overall. (Note: watch the video in HD for better quality!) It’s not easy. Nobody […]
Top 100 German Verbs You Should Know by Now

A major part of my German language challenge with italki is to learn as many new German words as I can. I think I have been quite successful with that. But when learning new words, the engineer in me thinks it’s important to know the most used words first so you feel like you’re […]
German Challenge Week 3: German parties are weird

This third week of me learning German happened right before my big #2monthbirthdaytrip all over Asia. I was super busy preparing for the trip but I still have to wake up before 9 AM for five days a week to learn German. That’s dedication, y’all. But the truth was that some days we did […]
German Challenge Week 2: Of Cooking and Condoms

Call me the worst blogger ever. I promised to update things here about my journey (a.k.a. ongoing 5-year struggle) to German fluency with the 3-month German challenge but so far all I did was travel and – bam! – everything got out of control. This post was actually on my drafts since November but […]
Flashcards+: My New Favorite Language Learning App

I have been very ashamed to admit that I have been learning German for 5 years and I’m still not that good. You know why? My vocabulary just wasn’t growing. And my speaking skills was stuck to basic level. Now that I’m doing this 3-month German language challenge, I realized that I need to […]
German Challenge Week 1: Hey, Ich kann do dis.

In which I talk about my first week learning German again with italki, the 10th circle of hell, why I think German is like math, how to flirt in German and my new favorite German words and vernacular expressions. Is life really too short to learn German? I disagree. Kinda. Week #1: In […]
Kill Me Now: The 3-Month German Language Challenge with italki

My story and plans on how to be fluent in German in 3 months with italki. I’m making it public. Join me on my progress and do your own language challenge too! A major part of the experience of living in a foreign country is that child-like happiness when you are able to communicate […]