There is no return to normalcy after that. This sentence sums up my life since that day 6 years ago – has it been that long? – when I quit my job to move to Europe and study for 2 years as a scholar of the European Commission. I wanted to chase and live […]
$300 East Dane Giveaway Winners

I just recently celebrated one big milestone in my life when I moved to Europe 5 years ago on August 23, 2009 with a $300 giveaway from East Dane. Thanks to everyone who joined and participated. After all the work of assigning numbers to all the entries and using to determine the winners, here […]
Win $300 from East Dane to stay stylish on your travels

To celebrate the day when I first set foot in my dream continent and start my adventures of a lifetime that lead me to where I am now, I am giving away $300 worth of shopping moolah from East Dane to my readers and subscribers. That day was August 23, 2009. Tomorrow I will […]
I Don’t Think You’re Ready for This Jelly

So it totally freaked me out that the Beyonce poster I bought when I watched Beyonce in Cologne, Germany a few months back had the same Chevron wallpaper pattern as my renovated “office”. I only saw the poster again when I bought a big-ass frame for it last week and was surprised to see the […]
I’m Quitting Blogging

There is something I want to tell you. This has been on my mind for 2 months now. I couldn’t sleep at night thinking about this. It has been a very painful decision. I’m quitting blogging. Notice how I did not update the blog this March? I’ve only blogged once actually when I got scammed […]
I Got Scammed by this Asshole

This is so beyond me but this has to be done. Because Rule #18 is never ever piss DJ off. I’m generally a nice and easy-going person but once you piss me off, I’ll raise hell. This is a story of trusting people too easily online and getting burned for it. And well, me serving […]